Home, Made Better.

Ethical Craft, Elegant Design.

We set out to make an impact on the textiles industry by making products better. We are committed to offering inspired home products through beautiful design, high quality standards and responsible manufacturing. 

It is our vision to be a reliable source in bringing together curated craftsmanship and mindful values that effortlessly enliven the home.

Not So New Kids on the Block

Though you wouldn’t know it from looking at our fresh designs & high quality product offering. We are skillful innovators with over 20 years of experience. 

We have experience working with the top retailers nationwide, tailoring our offerings to their specific client base, ensuring that their products are trendsetting & beautifully made.

See Home, Differently

Intentional Design

Our designers make extensive market research
their top priority so that we are able to craft a
variety of purposeful collections that allow consumers to bring their own personality into their space.

Curated Craftsmanship

It is our mission to bring inspired designs to life.
We are always ahead of the next big thing - whether
it be color trend or technique.

Responsible Manufacturing

We seek to differentiate ourselves by not
only offering beautiful ideas, but also products
that are high quality and made to last, helping to make home textiles a more sustainable industry.

Dependable Production

We pride ourselves on the vendors we work with
and you should too. We strive to ensure that we are a reliable partner with flawless execution.

Our partners

Visit us


230 Fifth Avenue Suite # 1611
New York, NY 10001

